Dinosaur Baby Afghan

Dinosaur Baby Afghan

Materials Needed

2 Caron Simply Soft yarn White (background color.  Divide into 7 balls)
1 Caron Simply Soft yarn Limelight (Body, arms and legs.  Divide into 4 balls)
1 Caron Simply Soft yarn Black (for eye and toes)
1 Caron Simply Soft yarn Blue Mint (for tummy and spikes.  Divide into 7 small balls of yarn)
1 Caron Simply Soft yarn Neon Orange (for spots.  Divide into 3 balls)

Pattern Details

c2c stitch (Corner to Corner):  This stitch is made by starting in one corner (the bottom right corner or row 1) of a square graph and following the graph diagonally to the opposite square of the graph (ending in row 99).  Here is a video I made to help you get started.


Rows 1-50:  In these rows, you will increase the squares at the beginning of each row.
Rows 50-99: The last half of the graph is worked by making a decrease at the end of each row.
Changing colors:  This is the trickiest part of the pattern.  When the pattern changes colors, simply pull the new color yarn when you make the slip stitch as you finish the previous square.  Don’t cut the old color if you are not finished with it.  Simply leave the yarn hanging until you come back to it in the next row.  Fasten of the color only when the color is done in the graph.  Tuck all the ends in.  When I start a new color, after I pull it through the slip stitch, I make a small knott to secure it in place and then tuck in the end.  Here is a video:

More helpful videos



Written instructions:
W: White
L: Limelight
B: Black
BM: Blue Mint
N: Neon Orange
Row 1:  In W, chain 6.  Make a DC (Double Crochet) in the 4th chain from the hook.  Then do one DC in each of the remaining 2 chains.
Row 2: In W, chain 6 (this chain is where the increase happens).  Make a DC in the 4th chain from the hook.  DC in last two chains.  Turn your work (flip the first square).  Slip stitch to join the chain 3 spaces from the first square.  Chain 3.  Make 3 DC in the space made by the 3 chain.
Row 3-29: Continue chaining 6 and DC in the 4th chain from the hook and the next 2 chains.  Turn slip stitch to join the space made by the chain and the last square.  All these rows are in W.
Row 30: 7 W, 1 L, 1 B (tie a knot to secure and cut of this yarn.  Tuck in end), 21 W (with a new yarn ball of W)
Row 31: 22 W, 2 L, 7 W
Row 32: 8 W, 1 L, 23 W
Row 33: 23 W, 2 L, 1 B (tie a knot to secure and cut of this yarn.  Tuck in end), 1 L (with a new yarn ball of L), 6 W
Row 34: 6 W, 2 L (you will have two different yarn balls of L.  Use the first strand to do 2 squares and the next strand to do the 2 following squares.  Keep the yarns separated), 2 L, 24 W.
Row 35: 15 W, 2 L (with a new yarn ball of L), 7 W (with a new yarn ball of W), 2 L, 1 W (with a new yarn ball of W), 1 L, 7 W.
Row 36: 7 W, 2 L, 1 W, 2 L, 3 BM, 4 W, 1 L, 6 W, 3 L, 7 W.
Row 37: 7 W, 4 L, 1 W, 2 L, 1 W, 3 L, 2 W (tie a knot to secure and cut of W), 5 BM, 1 L, 2 W, 2 L, 7 W.
Row 38: 8 W, 2 L, 1 W (tie a knot to secure and cut of W), 1 L (tie a knot to secure and cut of L), 7 BM, 2 L, 2 W, 2 L, 1 W, 5 L, 7 W.
Row 39: 7 W, 5 L, 2 W, 2 L, 2 W, 1 L (tie knot to secure and cut of L.  Tuck in), 9 BM, 2 L, 9 W.
Row 40: 10 W, 1 L (tie a knot to secure and cut of L.  Tuck in), 10 BM, 3 W, 2 L, 1 W, 6 L, 7 W.
Row 41: 8 W, 5 L, 1 W, 3 L, 2 W, 2 BM, 2 L, 7 BM, 11 W
Row 42: 11 W, 8 BM, 1 L, 3 BM, 2 W (tie a knot to secure and cut off W.  Tuck in), 2 L, 2 W, 5 L, 8 W.
Row 43: 8 W, 6 L (tie a knot to secure and cut off L.  Tuck in), 1 W (tie a knot to secure and cut off W.  Tuck in), 4 L, 2 BM, 3 L, 7 BM, 12 W.
Row 44: 12 W, 8 BM, 1 L, 4 BM, 10 L, 9 W.
Row 45: 9 W, 11 L, 3 BM, 2 L, 5 BM, 2 L (with a new ball of L), 13 W.
Row 46: 13W, 3 L, 5 BM (knot and cut off BM.  Tuck in), 2 L (knot and tuck in), 3 BM, 11 L, 9 W. 
Row 47: 10 W, 11 L, 8 BM, 5 L, 13 W.
Row 48: 14 W, 1 L, 1 N, 3 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 10 L, 1 B, 3 L, 10 W.
Row 49: 10 W, 3 L, 2 B, 17 L (at some point here you will have two strands of L that "meet" each other. Cut off one of the strands and tuck in end) 2 N, 1 L, 14 W.
Row 50: 14 W, 2 L, 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 18 L, 2 B, 2 L, 11 W.

51:  Here is where we start decreasing at the beginning of each row.  After you have done the last slip stitch on row 50 to connect the last two squares, turn you work over. Make a slip stitch from where you are to the 3 DC. Make the Slip stitch loose so you don’t tighten the square.  It may look weird, but you will hide this Slip stitch when you make the border.  You will do this at the beginning of rows 51 through 99.  10 W, 3 L (cut off this strand of L and tuck in ends), 1 W (cut off this strand of W and tuck in ends), 8 L, 1 N, 12 L, 14 W.

Row 52: 13 W, 12 L, 2 N, 11 L, 10 W.
Row 53: 9 W, 12 L, 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 2 L, 1 N, 3 L, 1 N, 5 L, 13 W.
Row 54: 12 W, 5 L, 2 N, 2 L, 2 N, 5 L, 1 N, 8 L, 9 W.

Row 55: 8 W, 8 L, 2 N, 5 L (cut off this strand of L and tuck in ends), 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 3 L (cut off this strand of L and tuck in ends), 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 3 L, 1 N, 1 L (cut off this strand of L and tuck in ends), 12 W.

Row 56: 12 W, 2 N, 13 L, 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 8 L, 8 W.

Row 57: 7 W, 1 BM, 11 L, 1 N, 10 L (cut off this strand of L and tuck in ends), 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 1 L, 11 W.

Row 58: 11 W, 11 L, 2 N, 10 L, 1 BM, 7 W.
Row 59: 6 W, 2 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 10 L, 1 N (cut off this strand of N and tuck in ends), 11 L, 11 W.

Row 60: 10 W, 8 L, 1 BM, 13 L, 8 W.
Row 61: 7 W, 2 BM, 10 L, 1 BM, 1 W, 2 BM, 1 W, 2 BM, 3 L, 10 W. 
Row 62: 10 W, 2 L, 2 BM, 2 W, 2 BM, 1 W, 2 BM, 1 W, 1 BM, 3 L, 2 BM, 1 W 2 BM, 7 W.
Row 63: 6 W (cut off this strand of W and tuck in ends), 2 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 2W, 2 BM, 1 W, 2 BM, 2 W, 1 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 2 W (cut off this strand of W and tuck in ends), 1 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 2 W, 2 BM, 3 L, 9 W.

Row 64: 9 W, 2 L, 2 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 9 W (cut off this strand of W and tuck in ends), 1 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 2 W (cut off this strand of W and tuck in ends), 1 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 10 W.

Row 65: 24 W, 2 L, 9 W.
Row 66: 8 W, 2 L, 24 W.

Row 67: 23 W, 2 L, 8 W.
Row 68: 8 W, 1 L (cut off this strand of W and tuck in ends), 23 W.

Row 69: 22 W, 1 BM (cut off this strand of BM and tuck in ends), 8 W.

Rows 70-99: Continue decreasing at the beginning of each row.  Finish the rest of the afghan in W.
Border:  In BM, I did a single crochet (SC) around.  I make 2 SC in one square and 3 in the next square and 2 SC in the corners.  In N I did a row of DC doing 2 DC in to corner stitches twice.  I finished with a row of SC in BM.


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